Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
9/17/2024 - 7:00 PM  
Proposed Revisions to Board Policies and Rules: BP 4000 Concepts and Roles in Personnel; BP 4015 Injury and Illness Prevention Program; BP 4015.2 Exposure Control Plan for Bloodborne Pathogens; BP 4111.2 4211.2 4311.2 Legal Status Requirement; Rule 4119.11 4219.11 4319.11 Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment; Rule 4119.12 Sex Discrimination and Sex-based Harassment Complaint Procedures; BP and Rule 4127 Temporary Athletic Team Coaches; Rule 4143.1 4243.1 Public Notice-Personnel Negotiations; BP and Rule 4158 Employee Security (Mrs. Church)  
File Attachment:
BP 4000 Concepts and Roles in Personnel-Revised.ADA.pdf
BP 4015 Inury and Illness Prevention Program-Eliminate.ADA.pdf
BP 4015.2 Exposure Control Plan for Bloodborne Pathogens-Revised.ADA.pdf
BP 4111.2 4211.2 4311.2 Legal Status Requirement-Revised.ADA.pdf
Rule 4119.11 4219.11 4319.11 Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment-Revised.ADA.pdf
Rule 4119.12 Title IX Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment Complaint Procedures-New.ADA.pdf
BP 4127 Temporary Athletic Team Coaches-Revised.ADA.pdf
Rule 4127 Temporary Athletic Team Coaches-Revised.ADA.pdf
Rule 4143.1 4243.1 Public Notice-Personnel Negotiations-Revised.ADA.pdf
BP 4158 Employee Security-New.ADA.pdf
Rule 4158 Employee Security-New.ADA.pdf
Revisions to Board Policies are being presented to keep current and compliant with California law, district practice and as corrective actions on the most recent Federal Program Monitoring review.  
This agenda item is for review and feedback and will be returned to the Board for an approval vote at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Erin Church - Assistant Superintendent
Signed By:  
Neil Young - Superintendent