Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 9/3/2024 - 7:00 PM
Category: Consent Agenda A - Routine Business
Type: Action
Subject: (Item A-21) Amendment to Facilities Lease Lodi High Increment 1 (Mrs. Holbert)
Goal D
Enclosure Amendment #2 to Facilities Lease-Lodi High School Inc.1 Exhibit C, Attachment 3- Lodi High Inc 1 Amended Lease Payment Schedule
File Attachment:
Lodi High School Site Lease A.M. Stephens.ada.pdf
Lodi High School Amendment No.1 A.M. Stephens.ada.pdf
Amendment 2- Facilities Lease Lodi HS Inc 1.pdf
Exhibit C Attachment 3- Amended Lease Schedule.pdf
Summary: This action will authorize the approval of the Second Amendment is intended to and does change payment provisions for the Project under the Facilities Lease including the amount of Tenant Improvement Payments and amount of Lease Payments, as described in Exhibit C, Attachment 3.
Funding: This project was funded with Measure U funds.
Recommendation: It is recommended the Board of Education approve the amendment.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Edith Holbert - Executive Director of Operations
Signed By:
Neil Young - Superintendent